Shopping Centre Commercialisation North West

We assist shopping centres in boosting their footfall, increase their revenue and customer engagement through commercialisation.

Every square inch within a shopping centre is valuable and has the potential to boost centre income and attract customers. This is why it is important to ensure your shopping centre is used to its full potential. Shoppertainment helps achieve this with shopping centre commercialisation across the North West of England. 

What is a Shopping Centre Commercialisation in the North West?

Shopping centre commercialisation can take many forms, depending on customer demands, including:

Our team can create bespoke shopping centre commercialisation strategies which are guaranteed to bring a unique experience to shoppers across the North West. In turn, we can boost shopping centre visitors and income. We work with many brands and traders up and down the country to offer something for everyone!

With decades of experience in the shopping centre scene, we believe we have the best skillset to offer you an integrated shopping centre marketing strategy for your North West centre. With a commercialisation agency like us, we help shopping centres boost their footfall and increase their revenue.

Interested in our case studies? Check them out below!

Promote your brand with RMUs & Kiosks in North West Shopping Centre.

We manage mall space lettings and we consistently supply new and inventive services and products to enhance the shopper experience.

Shopping centre kiosks and retail merchandising units (RMUs) are an effective addition to many shopping centre commercialisation strategies over the North West At Shoppertainment, we supply a great range of RMUs and kiosks including: 

  • Children’s rides 
  • Photo booths 
  • Massage chairs 
  • Drink & snack machines 
  • Lockers
  • Mobile phone charger merchants 
  • ATM issuers
  • Toilet vending providers 

Benefits of Shopping Centre Commercialisation

Empty space in your North West shopping centre is a waste! You could be optimising this space to bring in extra revenue. No matter what you choose to populate your centre with, be it pop-up kiosks, retail merchandising units or one-off seasonal events, shopping centre commercialisation enables you to maximise your offerings to customers and your income.

In a digital world, shoppers crave a shopping experience and you can give this to them. Choose brands and events which are inline with your shopping centre and customer demands. Shopping centre commercialisation allows you to offer brands a new way to reach costumes whilst diversifying your own offerings to customers.

Creating an experience for customers will naturally increase the time they spend within the shopping centre. Increasing the number of stalls and events a customer can interact with ensures your shoppers have a unique and varied experience, naturally increasing dwell time.

Shopping centre commercialisation allows you to customise your product offerings to customers. Often, pop up shops, kiosks or events are short-term contracts allowing you to constantly have something new to offer! Shout about these new stores and events on your promotional channels to increase footfall in your centre.

As we have mentioned before, seasonal events are a sure fire way to bring in customers. And, there is almost always something on! Have a kids craft event for Mothers/ Fathers Day, hold Easter Egg Hunts or set up a Santa’s Grotto to create an experience your shoppers won’t forget.

Having worked within the shopping centre space for years, we know what it takes to create an exciting experience for shoppers. Working with a commercialisation agency in the North West like ourselves ensures that you have the very best people on board to help grow your business successfully.

Learn More About Working With a Shopping Centre Commercialisation Agency

There are many ways that the knowledgeable team at Shoppertainment Management can help you to optimise the potential of your brand or your shopping centre.

Get in touch via the links below to get started on your commercialisation journey in the North West today!