Exhibition Stand Designers Manchester

We help shopping centres and brands to promote themselves at events with engaging stands, perfect for various uses.

It can be challenging to set yourself from the competition when promoting your business in an exhibition environment. By enlisting the help of an experienced exhibition stand design agency in Manchester, your stand will be delivered seamlessly – ready to engage new visitors with your business. 

Native to Manchester ourselves, Shoppertainment Management are your local experts in producing visually-appealing exhibition stands, taking into consideration your design preferences, budgets, ideas and more!

Working across numerous creative departments for shopping centre brands over twenty years, including: experiential marketing, commercialisation, digital marketing and pop-up shops to name a few, we have the right skills to help level up your exhibition presence.

What Are Exhibition Stand Designers?

As exhibition stand designers in Manchester, our aim is to help your brand create impactful and visually-enticing stands to use at business events, exhibitions and more. Optimising the minimal space allocated to you is vital when marketing yourselves in this environment, so it’s key to have the right people on board who can maximise your presence. 

Your brand tone of voice, intended audience and style will all be accounted for, and we will incorporate our long-standing design skills when creating an exhibition stand design you and your visitors will love.

With Manchester being such a competitive scene when it comes to business, we can take the stress out of the creative aspects, enabling you to focus on your product offering, staffing and any other factors.

As exhibition stand designers, we will work alongside you to incorporate your branding style, any products/services you want to specifically promote and key USPs into your exhibition stand design. In doing so, we will create an area which will attract, engage and inspire action.

Benefits of Exhibition Stand Designers in Manchester

With decades of experience in the creative industry and working on exhibition stands for various clients (as well as ourselves), we will promote your brand in a way which is enticing and innovative. Explore our case studies to see how we’ve made this happen for previous clients!

One of the biggest reasons for working with exhibition stand designers in Manchester is our ability to design and craft exhibition stands which will attract new customers to your business. Having a professional exhibition stand will inherently encourage visitors to engage with your brand and discover more about your company – a key factor when in such a competitive environment.

With limited space available for you to make your mark, an exhibition stand design agency will help you to employ the best techniques to convey your brand message to visitors in a concise and effective manner. This, in turn, will leave a lasting impression on visitors, encouraging them to return to your brand.

We know that you won’t have the time to create a new exhibition stand each time you go to an event. This is why we design stands which are reusable and can be used time and time again at various shows you may attend. A cost-effective solution!

Learn More About Working With Exhibition Stand Designers in Manchester!

There are many ways that the expert team at Shoppertainment Management can help you to maximise the potential of your exhibition stand.

Get in touch through the links below to get started on your exciting and creative stand journey today!