Experiential Marketing Liverpool

In a sea of well-known shops and shopping centres, including Liverpool One, Metquarter and St Johns, it can be difficult to think of new ways to stand out from the crowd and attract shoppers to your business. This is where experiential marketing in Liverpool comes in!

Experiential marketing, also known as experience marketing, is a strategy used across the globe to offer (as the name suggests) an experience to the shopper as part of a wider commercialisation strategy. This experience is what will remain in the consumers mind, giving your brand the edge over others in the market. Brand recall is an essential step to building brand equity and experiential marketing can help you achieve this. 

For over 10 years, the Shoppertainment team have worked with shopping centres across Liverpool to help them build a strong brand, increase footfall and dwell time and in turn boost their revenues. You can see all our previous projects and case studies here


The use of experiential marketing techniques within your marketing strategy come with many benefits, for the shopping centre itself, brands within the centre and of course the shoppers.

Increase engagement 

Humans are naturally inquisitive, so if you are holding an event or experience within the shopping centre, shoppers are bound to stop and see what all the commotion is about. This is the perfect opportunity for your brand to engage with this shopper face to face, in a way that other brands would not have the opportunity to do. This face to face, in person engagement is key to building on a customer’s brand recall. 

Increase exposure 

Experiential marketing in Liverpool can increase your exposure to the local community. Advertising the experience on platforms such as social media beforehand can help to build an excitement around the event/experience and increase your exposure to new customers who may not have shopped in the centre for a while. Encourage those attending to share on their own social media pages too to further boost reach and exposure.

Increase dwell time and footfall

As previously stated, we humans are nosey. We can’t resist having a peak at what is going on, and what is drawing in the crowd. Having an experience to break up the normal shopping routine can increase the amount of time a shopper stays within the centre. It can also boost your footfall. By sharing your event on other marketing platforms, you can increase your footfall, attracting those who may not have planned on visiting that day, but wanted to attend the event/ experience. If you are encouraging attendees to also share on their own social media, seeing friends and family enjoying the experience will bring in more potential shoppers. 

Stay competitive 

Shopping is a competitive market. Especially with the rise of online shopping and other digital platforms, it can be hard to stay at the cutting edge and ahead of the curve. Experience marketing can take many forms meaning it can be a perfect fit for any occasion, location or shopping centre.


If you would like to know more about how experiential marketing strategies can benefit your Liverpool shopping centre, get in touch. Our friendly team is on hand to answer any questions you may have. We have years of experience working with some of the biggest brands, such as Nintendo, My Little Pony, Game of Thrones and Monopoly. Let us help you build experiential marketing into your strategy today.