Black Friday shopping

How to Capitalise on Black Friday

It goes without saying, but Black Friday is a key date in the retail calendar. Over the past few years, Black Friday has turned into a huge event across the shopping world and it’s crucial for retailers to be aware of how they can capitalise on this event over the hectic November period.

At Shoppertainment, we have detailed some important ways you can achieve this goal and leave both you and your loyal customers happy.

Digital Marketing

In this day and age, digital marketing is your best friend when it comes to spreading the word about your business and getting people excited about what you have to offer. Across a variety of platforms like social media and email, offering services like event promotion and advertising, Shoppertainment can aid your business in making the most of Black Friday.

So, how will digital marketing help you capitalise on Black Friday? It’s simple – digital marketing will help target the right sort of customer and plant the seed of your business before they’ve even set foot in a shopping centre. Social media and email marketing can build up the hype surrounding your discounts, already creating an aura of excitement and eagerness to get involved with your deals.

Not only can these platforms enhance your chances of custom, but you can also promote and advertise events you’re running which undoubtedly increases brand awareness, and gets people chatting about your business.

This way, you spend less time convincing your customers to embrace the Black Friday sales and events, as the digital marketing has already done it for you!

Experiential Marketing

Similar to events, experiential marketing helps to make the most out of the shopping experience for your customers and leaves an influential, lasting impression through engaging them with your business.

These branded and interactive strategies will both enable you to wow new customers and continue to impress existing shoppers. Meaning, you can build up a relationship with them even after the buzz of Black Friday.

One huge benefit of experiential marketing is that it sets you apart from competitors, which is exactly what you need in an already competitive Black Friday climate. Shoppers will leave with the fantastic experience you have provided for them, therefore increasing the chances they will spread the word and create potential opportunities for new customers too.

The nature of experiential marketing helps to attract a wide-ranging audience within the shopping centre space, bettering the amount of footfall and dwell time spent engaging with your business. This is a must when optimising your Black Friday potential.

Longer Opening Hours

Shoppers come from all walks of life, and sometimes have very limited time to spend browsing and buying around their busy schedules. Shopping centres often extend their opening hours around Black Friday and Christmas to appeal to multiple types of shoppers, no matter what their schedule is like.

By having longer hours over this period, there is boosted potential for more happy customers engaging with your Black Friday deals, spending more time learning about your business and getting more choice than they otherwise would get in other shops. That sounds like a win-win to us!

Do You Want To Maximise Your Black Friday Potential?

Shoppertainment is the solution. To discover more about our services in time for Black Friday, get in touch with us today.