Looking back on 2024!

Looking back on 2024! From 465ft projections in the sky to secret basement raves and award-winning marketing campaigns, 2024 has been one to remember. Delivering memorable events and income maximising commercialisation strategies is our bread and butter but we always strive to do more and bring new brands and independent traders to give exceptional shopping experiences…

How To Succeed With Your Shopping Centre Loyalty App

How To Succeed With Your Shopping Centre Loyalty App When it comes to developing an effective loyalty program for your shopping centre, one of the most effective ways you can engage your customers and keep track of shopper’s spending trends is through a rewards program. Let’s explore how you can transform your customer’s shopping experience…

Bentall’s Blooming Summer

For ‘Bentall’s Blooming Summer’ we crafted a program of weekly events on Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the summer holidays – including two specifically tailored for adults to broaden the audience appeal. The diverse array of workshops was designed to educate participants on sustainable practices and nurture creative skills. We also had roaming performers to captivate…

shopping centre retention

Shopping Centre Customer Retention: What Keeps Shoppers Coming Back?

Shopping Centre Customer Retention: What Keeps Shoppers Coming Back? Customer retention is important for any retailer, but ensuring that you maintain your customer base is even more critical to the ongoing success of shopping centres. Nurturing long-term customer relationships results in increased revenue, along with satisfied and loyal customers, through the effective implementation of consumer…

man wearing VR headset testing new virtual product

How VR Is Making Waves In Shopping Centre Marketing

How VR Is Making Waves In Shopping Centre Marketing As marketing strategies continue to evolve, one fast-emerging avenue that businesses are beginning to use to boost sales can be found in the form of virtual reality (VR). Incorporating cutting-edge technology to intrigue audiences, VR’s unique ability to drive engagement between customers and products means it…