Budding Burnley photo 1

Saving The Planet One Step At A Time

Monday 5th June marked an important occasion for environmentalists around the world – World Environment Day. Here at Shoppertainment, we hold the environment close to our hearts and strive to be a ray of eco-consciousness in the office and at home. Our commitment to the environment is evident in the steps we take to ensure its well-being.

As the new year began, we kicked off January with a focus on environmentally friendly practices. Well-known initiatives and campaigns, such as Veganuary and Meat-Free Mondays, were embraced by our team, demonstrating our dedication to reducing our carbon footprint. By encouraging plant-based diets and minimising meat consumption, we aimed to promote sustainable food choices and raise awareness about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.

We ran monthly green challenges, chosen especially by Senior Administrator Caitlin Berry, who took on the role of Environmental Officer, ensuring that everybody played a part in making Shoppertainment a more environmentally friendly company. Green Challenges ranged from a 30-day plastic-free pledge, to a group walking challenge in aid of National Walking Day.

However, our commitment to the environment extends far beyond our office walls. We believe that being environmentally friendly should pass every aspect of our business practices. This led us to adopting the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles as a framework for our marketing techniques. Among the three pillars, the “E” for environment takes centre stage, guiding our decisions and actions to minimise our environmental impact.

One remarkable initiative that demonstrates our dedication to creating a greener world is none other than Budding Burnley. This transformative project was launched at Charter Walk Shopping Centre, located in the heart of Burnley. The initiative sought to transform empty spaces within the Centre into vibrant, eco-conscious green spaces. With the assistance of resident gardener Lawrence, Budding Burnley has blossomed into a resounding success. The once-empty and dull areas have now been transformed, expanding the green space within the Centre and providing a visually appealing environment for shoppers to enjoy during their visits.

At Shoppertainment, we firmly believe that protecting and preserving the one environment we have is a collective responsibility. Our eco-conscious office practices, adoption of ESG principles, and involvement in initiatives like Budding Burnley reflect our commitment to being stewards of the environment. As we continue to prioritise sustainability, we strive to inspire others and make a positive impact on our planet, one step at a time.